
NY Delta Updates

The 2018-2019 Annual Report

Available now online and in your mailboxes.

This is New York Delta’s AVC third consecutive year publishing an Annual Report for the use of our alumni. We hope this document provides you with a deeper understanding of how your support and contributions help the chapter grow.

In our continuous effort to improve financial reporting, we are proud to present improved financial statements that better align the board with non-profit accounting standards. In this report you will find our Statement of Financial Position (aka our ‘Balance Sheet’). The Net Assets section has been restructured to delineate how our assets are restricted based on donor preference or board designation. For example, donations to the Building Fund will show as donor purpose restricted donations to the Building Fund.

You will also find our Statement of Activities (aka our ‘Income Statement’ or ‘Profit & Loss Statement’). Here you will see better organization of revenue and expenses to show financial decisions made by the board.

Thank you to all of you who choose to support your chapter every year. Your support helps SigEp grow strong.

Contact AVC Treasurer Brian Michalka at with questions or comments on the Annual Report.

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